Whether your interests lie in Agricultural, Commercial, two, three or four wheeled transport
this is the club for you.



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  The Hooe's Old Motor Club was formed on the 7th January 1971 when 12 members started the ball rolling. The Chairman was Grp. Capt. Wyndham Welch;  Secretary, David Hance; Treasurer Clive Davies and Committee Bob Pointer. The name of the club was adopted then.

       Click HERE for a slide show presentation of the Club’s history


  Grp.Capt. Wyndham Welch became the President/Founder and remained in this post until the year 2000 when Ron Fellows who had been Secretary since 1995 took over the role of President. Pat Walker who still plays an integral role was chairman from 1997 until the year 2002. In April Ron Wanmer took over the role of Chairman, the position he held until December 2019, when he was succeeded by Colin Lake.

   The Hooe's Old Motor Club is better known for the Hooe's Car Show which has just celebrated its 54th event in 2024. Always held at the Hooe Village Recreation Ground it has been an icon of what a car rally is all about with a stringent age limit of 1980 for manufacture having only risen from 1960 in recent years.  It is said that 'It is a Victim of its own success!'

   The club has grown from 12 to nearly 150 members and a great social life is enjoyed when the club meet on the first Friday of every month, except December and January. During summer months meetings are held in the Hooe Village Hall and in October, November, February and March, meetings are held at the Methodist Church Hall, Ninfield.

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Est. 1897


      Hooe’s Old Motor Club